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Help Us Recognise Service to Our Swimming Community

Nominations for Honours & Service Awards are now open

We are excited to announce that nominations are open for our Honours and Awards. We are committed to recognising the outstanding service and commitment given by members of our swimming community to Swimming NZ, and this is one of the ways we can show our gratitude.

Following updates to the nomination process and criteria in 2023, it has never been easier to help us celebrate our members who help deliver our sport. The process has been simplified and can be completed online, to help us acknowledge everyone who provides service to the sport.

Swimming NZ’s Head of Participation, Competitions & Engagement, Dale Johnson, is hoping to see a large increase in the number of nominations this year.

“There are so many members of the community who have given a lot to swimming across the country, and we want to recognise their contributions to our sport. Volunteers are the cornerstone of our sport and we couldn't do it without them, so we want to recognise everyone who has given their time to help create positive swimming experiences for our members.”

Johnson encourages everyone to consider those at their club and within their region that who help us deliver the sport.

"I urge everyone to take some time to help us recognise those who give their service and play a crucial role in the delivery of our sport. It's a quick and simple nomination process, so we ask everyone to submit a nomination as part of thanking those who help us enjoy swimming competitions across New Zealand."

The nomination process now requires an online form to be filled out. It’s simple and easy to do, and we encourage people to nominate themselves if they have met the criteria also.

Nominations are now open so don't wait to help us recognise service to our sport. The nomination period closes on Wednesday 31 July.

Honours & Awards Criteria

The criteria for Swimming NZ’s Honours & Awards:

Service Award

Awarded in recognition of active service of an outstanding nature for a period of not less than 6 years of continuous service to Swimming NZ. The Honours & Awards Committee may consider a lesser period where service has been of an exceptional level to Swimming NZ.

Distinguished Service Award

Awarded in recognition of active service of an outstanding nature for a period of not less than 12 years of continuous service to Swimming NZ. The Honours & Awards Committee may consider a lesser period where service has been of an exceptional level to Swimming NZ.

Exemplary Service Award

Awarded in recognition of exceptional service, contribution, and commitment to the sport of swimming at national level.

Life Membership

The highest award Swimming NZ can bestow on an individual for service to the sport. Life Membership criteria includes but is not limited to the following:

  • The service must be diligent, extraordinary and the nominee’s achievements must be above and beyond what could reasonably be expected within the swimming community

  • Active contribution to the wider swimming community in various roles for a period of not less than 18 years of continuous service to Swimming NZ. Please note that the number of years’ service is not qualification alone for the award

  • The nominee’s service shall be recognised as having made a significant impact to swimming in New Zealand

Nominations close on Wednesday 31 July

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