Outside the Lanes
Outside the Lanes is a Well-being focused resource hub. Tailored to all members of the swimming community from Swimmers, Coaches, Officials, Volunteers and Administration staff.

Diving into the depths
Real stories from real members of our community. Sharing their lives and stories from outside the lanes.

Get an inside look into how Lewis balances his training, work schedule and social life.
Lewis Clareburt

Go outside the lanes with Erika Fairweather and how she fuels her lifestyle.
Erika Fairweather

Dive into the depths with Zac Reid and techniques he's used to come back from injury.
Zac Reid

Go outside the lanes with Cameron Leslie and learn how he overcomes challenges to perform when it really counts.
Cam Leslie

Breakfast Nutrition
Training Nutrition
Nutrition Resources
The right nutrition isn't just about physical performance. Good nutritional balance helps to support mood and mental health.