2023 Apollo Projects Junior Festival - All Stars
Kia ora coaches, managers and swimmers,
Welcome to the 2023 Apollo Projects Junior Festival - All Stars next week. Swimming New Zealand is excited to be hosting this event in Wellington at the Wellington Regional Aquatic Centre, we can’t wait to welcome you all!
11 – 12 November
Wellington Regional Aquatic Centre

Good Behaviour
Swimming New Zealand is also proud to join the Good Sports movement, and is committed to providing positive swimming experiences for all involved. Across the five days of competition, we trust that all interactions throughout the event will be positive and respectful – please treat others like you would like to be treated.
For more information about Good Sports, please click here.
Code of Conduct
As part of attending this event, you have agreed to comply with the Swimming New Zealand code of conduct. Any behaviour that does not comply may result in further action, which may include being removed from the remainder of the event. Please ensure you exhibit good behaviour towards everyone at the event, including officials, volunteers, staff and other clubs.

Programme & Results
Swimming NZ will complete a preliminary psych sheet, which you can find on the event webpage shortly.
We encourage you to use the Meet Mobile app to view the results online.
There will be no printed programmes for this event.
There will be a start list available on the webpage prior to the start of the event if you wish to print your own.
Please note there will be no reseeding of events for this competition.

Health & Safety
Please remember to encourage good hygiene practices at this event and use common sense to keep yourself and others safe on pool deck. Strictly no glass is allowed in the pool area. If any glass bottles or containers are seen on pool deck or in the stands they will be confiscated.
Warm-Up Procedure
There will be allocated lanes for diving during warm-up. We ask that you please stick to these lanes as documented on pool deck.
Please remember to not climb over the touchpads to exit the pool. Always exit the pool via the sides of the pool both during warm-up and at the conclusion of your race.

Team Managers Meeting
There will be a compulsory team manager meeting held on Saturday 11 November at 8.15am in the marshalling room.
Team Managers will be given a brief run-down of meet activities, expectations of swimmers and clubs, and general delivery of the event. Each club is asked to have at least one representative at the meeting. If you can’t attend, please have a good understanding of this update.

Club Packs
Team event packs can be collected from accreditation booth located at the swimmers’ entrance from 7.45am, these must be collected by team managers.

Ribbon Ceremonies
Ribbons shall be awarded for the 1st, 2nd and 3rd in all events (except exhibition relays).
The victory ceremonies will take place at the completion of each session.
Parents and clubs are welcome to take photos of their swimmers being presented their ribbons.

Accred & Access To Pool
Access to the pool is via the rear competitor’s entrance for swimmers, coaches, and team managers. An accreditation volunteer will be on hand to ensure that passes are being presented. If you do not have a valid pass – you will be required to sit in the spectators area.
Coaches will need to have completed the 2023-24 annual coach accreditation pass. If you have already collected yours from a previous event, please bring this along.
Accreditation must be worn, around the neck, to gain access. No accreditation no entry. Lost accreditation can be replaced at a cost of $15.00 each through cash or invoice to the club.
Please note, no late passes will be issued at the door as per the updated Accreditation Policy 009.
Spectators enter through the rear competitor’s entrance and up the stairs to the grandstand. Spectators are to remain in designated spectators areas at all times.
Opening Hours
Saturday 11 November
Session 1
Warmup: 8am – 8.50am
Competition: 9am
Session 2
Warm-up: 3pm – 3.50pm
Competition: 4pm
Sunday 12 November
Session 3
Warm-up: 8am-8.50am
Competition: 9am
Session 4
Warm-up: 2pm - 2.50pm
Competition: 3pm

Self-marshalling will be employed during all sessions. Swimmers are asked to be in the marshalling area 4 heats prior to their event. For all 50m events swimmers need to be in the marshalling area 6 heats prior to their event.
There will be a space available for marshalling in the marshalling room.

Seating will be available on pool deck for swimmers, coaches, and team managers. Please note there is no allocated seating for clubs, with the spectators seating allocated in the grandstand. We encourage clubs to work together as there are enough seats for everyone with a great vantage point of the pool.

Opening Ceremony & Theme Session
There will be an opening ceremony Mexican wave held on Saturday 11th, session 1, prior to the start of racing. We encourage everyone to get involved.
To celebrate the competition, there will be a themed session on Sunday afternoon. The theme will be Disney.
There will be a march around the pool at 2.45pm with prizes awarded for best dressed. Please congregate at the marshalling area.

Merch & Swimwear
Teamline will be present at the event, selling both event merchandise and swimming apparel. Be sure to check out their pop-up store which will be located in the Southern Meeting room on the landing by the grandstand entrance.

There are three main parking areas around the facility. Two can be accessed from Kilbirnie Crescent, and one from Evans Bay Parade. Please note there is limited parking.

We have removed the requirement to purchase spectator tickets to attend this event, but we welcome all friends and whanau to come along and be involved. Seating will be available for first in, best dressed.

Scratchings for session one should be emailed to entries@swimming.org.nz by 9 November at 2pm. Any withdrawals after this time need to be submitted at the resolutions desk.
We encourage you to complete a withdrawal form and submit it at the resolutions desk if a swimmer won’t swim an event.

DQs & Protests
Disqualifications will be announced. You can request a copy and to site the DQ form at the resolutions desk.
Protests must be submitted to the referee, in writing, on the protest form by the team manager only within 30minutes following the conclusion of the respective event. This needs to be accompanied in cash by the $100.00 protest fee.
If conditions causing a potential protest are noted prior to the event a protest must be lodged before the signal to start is given.
All protests shall be considered by the referee. If the referee rejects the protest, they must state the reasons for their decision. The Team Manager may appeal the rejection to the Jury of Appeal whose decision shall be final.
If the protest is rejected, the deposit will be forfeited to SNZ. If the protest is upheld the deposit will be returned.
A reminder to please ensure conversations about DQs and protests occur away from any swimmers involved.

Swimmers with strapping must provide documentation from a relevant registered health practitioner or physiotherapist and be reviewed by the Technical Director (Jacqui Forsythe) prior to swimming. Any swimmers without such documentation may not be permitted to swim.

Photography & Videography
Photos and videos may be taken throughout the competition. All athletes and spectators have agreed to allow photographs, videos, audio recordings and audio recording to be taken by accredited SNZ contractors to be used for any legitimate purpose by SNZ. If you have any concerns, please contact the Event Manager.
Spectators agree upon entry that photographic, video or audio recording equipment is prohibited for any purpose which may include, without limitation, video and/or audio recorders, camera tripods, monopods or lenses with a total focal strength of greater than 300mm and commercial digital video equipment. The SNZ Event staff will, at their sole discretion, determine whether or not an item is intended for personal or commercial use.
Our team looks forward to seeing you on pool deck. It's bound to be a great weekend of racing and celebrating personal bests, best of luck to everyone!
Nga mihi nui,
Events Team - Swimming NZ