Announcement of the Coaching Review

We are excited to announce our Coaching Review to take place over the coming months. This is a big step forward in enhancing the support provided to coaches across New Zealand.
The review is designed to seek insights and feedback from coaches to help Swimming NZ provide greater support for coaches, whilst utilising a collective approach where coaches are involved in what support they need.
The scope of the Working Group includes:
Engagement, collaboration and communication platforms between coaches, regions and Swimming NZ
Clear pathway for coaches to get involved and develop throughout the sport
Education, safeguarding and qualifications to be a swim coach within New Zealand
Continual development for coaches within New Zealand
Recognition of coaching achievements at international, national, club and local levels
Systems to provide feedback to Swimming NZ and local regions
Challenges that coaches face in the current climate
Coaches around New Zealand are asked to express their interest in being involved, with up to ten coaches to form part of the Working Group. Within these coaches, there will be some diversity to provide insights from different perspectives, such as coaches located rurally and in metropolitan areas, and different geographical locations across the country. The Terms of Reference is provided below for more details.
Swimming NZ's Head of Participation, Competitions & Engagement, Dale Johnson, knows the importance of coaching for our sport.
"Coaches have the biggest impact upon the participant experience in swimming. We have identified the need to increase our support for coaches across the country, and want to include our coaching community in the process."
Johnson asks each coach in New Zealand to contribute to the upcoming review.
"I urge each coach to give some consideration to how they feel they could contribute to this review - either by expressing interest to be involved in the Working Group or by providing feedback when the opportunity arises."
Coaches can express their interest by completing the short online form below by Sunday 20 October.