We're committed to creating a respected community of talented coaches demanding excellence of themselves and their swimmers. Raising the standard of competitive swimming in New Zealand we're working hard to developing:
Faster swimmers at all levels.
Technically proficient and skilled swimmers at all levels.
Improved performance on the International Stage.
Targeted Coach Program
A body of Coaches with the capability of leading, delivering and supporting World Class Coaching programs.
Identify and confirm Targeted Coaches.
Develop and launch the Coach Mentor Support Program.
Develop and agree Individual Development Plans.
Provide age & stage appropriate develop opportunities for all Targeted Coaches.
Coach Education & Development
All coaches have access to modern, continuous and age and stage appropriate education and professional development opportunities and recognise LTAD as a fundamental part of their Coaching programs.
Develop and launch the Coach Mentor Support Program
Promote the new Coach Education Framework.
Facilitate age & stage appropriate coach development opportunities.
Provide identified coaches with exposure to world class training and racing environments.